Да это Нвидия выдумала термин "The new shaders bring the compute programming model to the graphics pipeline as threads are used cooperatively to generate compact meshes (meshlets)"
Да это Нвидия выдумала термин "The new shaders bring the compute programming model to the graphics pipeline as threads are used cooperatively to generate compact meshes (meshlets)"
D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandQueue::ExecuteCommandLists: Using ResourceBarrier on Command List (0x0ABBA808:'Unnamed ID3D12GraphicsCommandList Object'): Before state (0x4: D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_RENDER_TARGET) of resource (0x0A9FDF28:'Unnamed ID3D12Resource Object') (subresource: 0) specified by transition barrier does not match with the state (0x0: D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_[COMMON|PRESENT]) specified in the previous call to ResourceBarrier [ RESOURCE_MANIPULATION ERROR #527: RESOURCE_BARRIER_BEFORE_AFTER_MISMATCH]
При включении MSI AB параллельно со сборкой проекта. По каким причинам может быть такое?