Мне кажется, что ID тут это "подлинность", т.у. препарат исследуемый (испытания стабильности) - солкосерил. Интересно, как лучше по-русски сократить "ID" - "Подл"?
Мне кажется, что ID тут это "подлинность", т.у. препарат исследуемый (испытания стабильности) - солкосерил. Интересно, как лучше по-русски сократить "ID" - "Подл"?
lost vital status data - данные о потерянном жизненном статусе? или об утрате? n an updated meta-analysis from Vascular InterVentional Advances (VIVA) clinicians, the inclusion of lost vital status data lowered the mortality risk associated with paclitaxel-coated devices
lost vital status data - данные о потерянном жизненном статусе? или об утрате? n an updated meta-analysis from Vascular InterVentional Advances (VIVA) clinicians, the inclusion of lost vital status data lowered the mortality risk associated with paclitaxel-coated devices
Утрата данных по витальному статусу/показателям жизнедеятельности.
lost vital status data - данные о потерянном жизненном статусе? или об утрате? n an updated meta-analysis from Vascular InterVentional Advances (VIVA) clinicians, the inclusion of lost vital status data lowered the mortality risk associated with paclitaxel-coated devices
In an updated meta-analysis from Vascular InterVentional Advances (VIVA) clinicians, the inclusion of lost vital status data lowered the mortality risk associated with paclitaxel-coated devices
In an updated meta-analysis from Vascular InterVentional Advances (VIVA) clinicians, the inclusion of lost vital status data lowered the mortality risk associated with paclitaxel-coated devices
"...включение утраченных ранее данных по показателям жизнедеятельности..."
biomechanical footwear - биомеханическая обувь? A randomized trial including 220 patients with symptomatic, radiographically confirmed knee OA found that patients who received individualized biomechanical footwear experienced a modest improvement
biomechanical footwear - биомеханическая обувь? A randomized trial including 220 patients with symptomatic, radiographically confirmed knee OA found that patients who received individualized biomechanical footwear experienced a modest improvement