Не про локализацию, зато про словеса в играх:
копилка дотракийского, клингонского, эльфийских и прочих выдуманных языков пополнилась языком Isu из Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
Лонгрид на тему:
Пара цитат от разработчиков:
"...language was writing in reverse a history of how humans learned it from the Isu, and how it then evolved over time"
"I started from old languages in that family (Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, etc.) and academic reconstructions of what Proto-Indo-European could have been like, and worked my way backwards from there"
"We completely intended for the community to decipher some of the language, but I would have never imagined that they would go as far as they did"