Sorry for the delay at this end since your calls with the team. You may have seen that we announced a further £300m Series C funding round last week, and this has caused things to be a little hectic in the aftermath. Super exciting, of course! But bad timing as far as the end of your process has been concerned.
I'm afraid to say that, having managed to properly catch up with our interviewers this morning, we aren't able to move forward to the final stage with you from here.
... Тут про техническое ..
Away from the tech side of things, there were also concerns on the culture fit aspects too. I was told that you didn't seem especially interested in the crypto space, and the impression was that there would be no real reason for you to prefer over other companies that you're interviewing for.
Overall, the conclusion is that - though you will no doubt find a brilliant next move, and will achieve huge things - this just isn't quite the right place for you.
This is a huge shame, and I'm really sorry to be breaking bad news to you. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you very much for all of your time and effort with us throughout the process until now.