Нашел я книгу бывшего посла Великобритании в Узбекистане Крэга Мюррэя "Murder in Samarkand", в которой, по утверждению Алексея Навального, содержится утверждение о том, что Алишер Усманов якобы был судим за изнасилование.
Это, мягко говоря, неправда.
Вот единственное упоминание об Алишере Усманове в книге:
«The unprincipled liaison between the West and Uzbekistan had already been under great strain. Karimov’s increasingly closed economy was threatened by Western investors, who had more and more been driven out. In November 2004, the major oil and gas development contract, the prize which the US had been seeking since George W. Bush as Governor of Texas met Safayev on behalf of Enron in June 1997, was finally awarded to Gazprom, the Russian state company.
This deal was reportedly negotiated between Gulnara Karimova and Alisher Usmanov, the Uzbek-born Russian oligarch. Gulnara allegedly received a large cash payment – $88 million, according to my sources – on completion of the Gazprom deal, with further payments to come as gas is exported.
This web is closely associated with Karimov’s succession strategy: the cash and Russian support is building up Gulnara’s power base. This is the background to the diplomatic revolution of the last six months, with Karimov abandoning the US and turning back to the embrace of Mother Russia.»
Отрывок из книги: Murray, Craig. «Murder in Samarkand: A British Ambassador's Controversial Defiance of Tyranny in the War on Terror.»
Для тех, кто не владеет английским языком. Речь идёт о роли Усманова в сделке узбекского президента Каримова с "Газпромом".
Элементарный фактчекинг. Что помешало Навальному и аппарату ФБК проделать эту же несложную процедуру, неизвестно.