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Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)

2018 March 29
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Интервью Дэвида Бродера о прошедших выборах в Италии, принёсших успех правопопулистским партиям «Лига Севера» и «Движение пяти звёзд»

The recent election signaled a decisive shift in Italian politics, marking the collapse of the parties that have ruled Italy for the past 25 years.
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Lyle Jeremy Rubin - The Left’s Embrace of Empire

The history of the left in the United States is a history of betrayal.
2018 March 30
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Сборник - Autonomia: Post-Political Politics

Semiotext(e) is reissuing in book form its legendary magazine issue Italy: Autonomia: Post-Political Politics, originally published in New York in 1980. Edited by Sylvère Lotringer and Christian Marazzi with the direct participation of the main leaders and theorists of the Autonomist movement (Antonio Negri, Mario Tronti, Franco Piperno, Oreste Scalzone, Paolo Virno, Sergio Bologna, and Franco Berardi), this volume is the only first-hand document and contemporaneous analysis that exists of the most innovative post-'68 radical movement in the West. The movement itself was broken when Autonomia members were falsely accused of (and prosecuted for) being the intellectual masterminds of the Red Brigades; but even after the end of Autonomia, this book remains a crucial testimony of the way this creative, futuristic, neo-anarchistic, postideological, and nonrepresentative political movement of young workers and intellectuals anticipated issues that are now confronting us in the wake of Empire.
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
2018 March 31
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Книга Антонио Негри и Майкла Хардта - Декларация

This is not a manifesto. Manifestos provide a glimpse of a world to come and also call into being the subject, who although now only a specter must materialize to become the agent of change. Manifestos work like the ancient prophets, who by the power of their vision create their own people. Today's social movements have reversed the order, making manifestos and prophets obsolete. Agents of change have already descended into the streets and occupied city squares, not only threatening and toppling rulers but also conjuring visions of a new world. More important, perhaps, the multitudes, through their logics and practices, their slogans and desires, have declared a new set of principles and truths. How can their declaration become the basis for constituting a new and sustainable society? How can those principles and truths guide us in reinventing how we relate to each other and our world? In their rebellion, the multitudes must discover the passage from declaration to constitution
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
2018 April 01
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Марта Нуссбаум - Профессор пародии

“Претензии философа-феминистки Марты Нуссбаум к Джудит Батлер, изложенные в этой критической статье, носят как методологический, так и политический характер. Она обвиняет ее в элитизме, выражающемся в намеренно запутанном стиле письма, за которым, по мнению Нуссбаум, не содержится ничего, что не было бы высказано до этого другими феминистками. Политическое обвинение состоит прежде всего в том, что Батлер отказывается от организованной борьбы за равноправие в пользу индивидуальных «перформансов», якобы субверсирующих гендерный порядок”
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Eli Friedman, Andi Kao - The End of the “End of History”

In the late 1990s, with the fall of the Soviet Union, the explosion of pro-capitalist euphoria, and the post–Cold War hubris of American empire, Bill Clinton promised that China would become democratic once its citizens had tasted the freedom of the market. He used that pitch to press Congress to pass Permanent Normal Trade Relations with the country in 2000.
2018 April 03
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Ricardo Antunes - The New Service Proletariat

In recent decades, the spread of information technology, industrial automation, and other innovations has inspired visions of a coming “postindustrial society of services,” in which the proletariat as it existed in earlier eras would effectively disappear. However, even a cursory survey of the reality of contemporary global labor markets belies this myth.
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Cole Stangler - Signs of a French Spring

A wave of strikes and a student revolt has shaken France in recent days — but can it provide the first real challenge to Macron’s agenda?
2018 April 04
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Статья одного из основателей операизма Раньеро Панциери о рабочем контроле.

Raniero Panzieri - Seven Theses on Workers’ Control

This text was published in February 1958 in issue 2 of Mondo Operaio [Workers’ World], signed Raniero Panzieri and Lucio Libertini. Panzieri, after having been excluded from the leadership of the PSI (Italian Socialist Party) in 1956, became co-editor with Nenni of the review, transforming it into an extraordinary laboratory of research. This essay forms part of the research carried out by Panzieri from a libertarian perspective and from the left of the double crisis of the workers’ movement; on the one hand the invasion of Hungary in 1956, and on the other the defeat of FIOM [metalworkers’ union] in the big Turin factories, starting with Fiat. This text, which represents a point of synthesis of a series of Panzieri’s elaborations on the theme of workers’ control, opened a passionate debate on the left, as much in the columns of Mondo Operaio as in those of Avanti and Unità.
2018 April 05
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Книга Мэри Дэвис - Comrade or Brother? A History of the British Labour Movement

Critical and iconoclastic, Comrade or Brother? traces the history of the British Labour Movement from its beginnings at the onset of industrialisation through its development within a capitalist society, up to the end of the twentieth-century. Written by a leading activist in the labour movement, the book redresses the balance in much labour history writing. It examines the place of women and the influence of racism and sexism as well as providing a critical analysis of the rival ideologies which played a role in the uneven development of the labour movement.
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Статья Кори Робина о забастовке учителей в США и отношении к ней политиков Республиканской и Демократической партий

The wave of teacher strikes is a challenge not just to GOP austerity, but to Democratic Party neoliberalism.
2018 April 06
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Книга Виктора Вазюлина - Логика «Капитала» Карла Маркса

«Автор поставил перед собой задачу во всех деталях сопоставить логику «Капитала» К. Маркса с гегелевской «Наукой логики», с целью показать как соответствие логики «Капитала» гегелевской, так и ее превосходство над последней. В целом эта весьма актуальная и трудная задача, за которую пока, можно сказать, еще никто не брался, автором выполнена».
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Susan Watkins - Which feminisms?

Of all the opposition movements to have erupted since 2008, the rebirth of a militant feminism is perhaps the most surprising not least because feminism as such had never gone away; women’s empowerment has long been a mantra of the global establishment. Yet there were already signs that something new was stirring in the US and UK student protests of 2010, the 2011 Occupy encampments at Puerta del Sol and Zuccotti Park.
2018 April 07
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
The Epicenter of Class Conflict Today Is Not the Postindustrial City, But the Rural Hinterland

In the April issue of the Brooklyn Rail, Paul Mattick interviews Phil Neel, author of the forthcoming book Hinterland: America's New Landscape of Class and Conflict, which Neel describes as a work of "communist geography." In the book, Neel argues that the most important nodes in the global economy are not postindustrial cities, as it often assumed, but rather "hinterland" areas—rural and semi-rural regions where extractive industries, like mining, and important supply-chain infrastructure is located. As Neel explains in the interview, the hinterland is where working conditions tend to be harshest and wages lowest; but it is also where labor unrest can be the most disruptive to the capitalist system.
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Статья Иммануила Валлерстайна - Модернизация: мир праху ее

Это короткое полемическое выступление было прочитано И. Валлерстайном в ходе дебатов с Алексом Инкелесом на заседании Американской социологической ассоциации в 1975 году. В нём автор приводит доводы против теории модернизации, считая, что эта концепция не отражает реальное положение вещей.
Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)