This is a most interesting introduction to the thinking of Antonio Negri, who has emerged as one of the more provocative thinkers of our time. The book is conceived as a series of conversations around approximately 50 entries in a Negrian lexicon, divided into 26 chapters, each of which refers to a letter in the alphabet. There is a mixture of biographical anecdote and conceptual excursion that makes for compelling reading. Those wishing for insight into Negri's personal journey are offered a candid account of his activist 1970s and 80s in Italy and his exile in France. Readers wishing a relatively accessible introduction to Negri's more substantial works are introduced to most of the key concepts in his thinking (empire, multitude, biopolitical production, singularity, kairos, resistance). In the first half of the book, Negri deals with the "lovely paradox" of self-defeating growth which capitalism has wrought upon itself. In the latter half of the book, Negri develops his alternative of a radical democracy based on a voluntarist, Spinozian materialism.