Всем привет, кто может помочь объяснить кто это такой?Expert in JavaScript frameworks viz. Angular.
Good working knowledge in Jasmine, Karma, TDD, OOP JavaScript, jQuery Kendo UI and its plugins.
Worked with SAAS and LESS css preprocessors.
Expert in writing jquery custom widgets, plugins and JavaScript DesignPatterns with jquery patterns and custom directives.
Worked with front-end automation toolsNPM, Bower and GitHUb.
Working experience in Spring, Web Services frameworks.
Working experience with Java Design Patterns.
Java Front end, Polymer, Web Components, TypeScript.
Server-Side: Spring rest services/Nodejs
Scripting: TypeScript, ES7
Building Tool: Webpack, (JavaScript)
Tools: vscode, Webpack, Git, Sass, Node, Karma UI, Nodejs