⚡️🌐🇬🇧🇪🇺☣️ On behalf of Roy Saunders and Dmitry Zapol of IFS Consultants Ltd, I’m writing to invite you to join an IBSA Online Discussion Group Meeting tomorrow at 14:00 (UK time) / 15:00 (CEST time) ✅ to explore some of the international tax issues and implications for companies conducting business across multiple borders.
Cees-Frans Greeven of Buren Legal Tax Notary and Ross Belhomme of LJ Fiduciary will examine the following issues:
🔹 Where should businesses incorporate their holding company and, because of the COVID-19 lockdown, will the ‘Substance Requirements’ across relevant European countries be changed?
🔸 How will transfer pricing rules be tightened as businesses review different methodologies such as online sales?
🔹 Will tax authorities consider permanent establishments to have been created as a result of remote working of their personnel in different countries?
🔸 How will management and control issues be resolved when board meetings are held through online platforms?
🌐 Our expert speakers will also look at the moralistic aspect for trust companies and how we can conform to a more ethical standard of behaviour within their practice.
The Zoom login details are:
Meeting link:
https://zoom.us/j/91091224219?pwd=VW8rYTlxcVpvUWFYc3hHRGkyMHA0dz09Meeting ID: 910 9122 4219
Password: 075322