всё, меня забанили на #perl во Freenode за слово nigger
<nuclightq> in russian "gop" is street crime, like at
http://slavsquat.com/<nuclightq> or probably "nigger urban thug" for USA
<nuclightq> Grinnz: do such people really can into Perl?
<Grinnz> yes, real people use perl
<nuclightq> Grinnz: no, that who consider "offensive" real naming of things
<Grinnz> i realize you are unaware of american culture, taht is why i am informing you and not removing you as of yet
-*- nuclightq happy to live in a country with freedom of speech
<Grinnz> freedom of speech is not freedom to be an asshole.
<nuclightq> OK, I see, America no longer has freedom of speech
<nuclightq> Grinnz: isn't that word offensive to gays?
*** Mode #perl +o Grinnz by ChanServ
<-* Grinnz has kicked nuclightq from #perl (this is not a discussion)