Про Dassult Falcon 10X. Там так же будет Система Совмещенного Видения (Combined Vision System,
Falcon Eye.
Распространение систем
CVS и установка
HUD на коммерческие ВС привели к появлению термина
Equivalent Visual Operations (
EVO - a virtual visual flight environment for the flight crew, independent of the actual outside weather and visibility conditions -
virtual VMC throughout all phases of flight.
EVO provides the ability to significantly improve access to airports and runways to s
uitably equipped performance based aircraft with affordably trained flight crews when operating in low visibility conditions.
The EVO concept is to mitigate currently required ground infrastructure for LVO (CAT II/II ILS,etc) by use of airborne systems. A wide ranging, flexible and cost effective alternative to many current CAT II/CAT III/autoland operations.»
Тренд в оснащении самих ВС всем необходимым для выполнения операций в СМУ, снижая требования к аэропортам в целом.