Hi there! It's Nikita, the creator of Shieldy. Over 65 000 chats added Shieldy! It is free and I sell no ads so I decided to tell you about my new project — Todorant.
Todorant is a smart todo list that uses cognitive psychology to make your brain feel pleasure by achieving goals. I created Todorant for myself — and I use it every day — but my friends asked me to give them access to Todorant. And today anyone can use Todorant:
As a websiteOn iOSOn AndroidI outlined the main productivity rules in my post
"How I launched 7 products in 1 year" and in the video-summary
"How to use Todorant" (just 2 minutes long). Briefly, Todorant makes you add an exact date or month to every task, you only see one task at a time to focus on the main screen, unpleasant tasks are called frogs and should be done first thing in the morning.
I hacked my productivity with the simple rules and made the app so that you could do it as well! Todorant is completely free for the first 30 days, and you can even use mobile apps without login! No strings attached — just try Todorant
as a website, on
iOS or
Android today. This is how you can support free Voicy that transcribes over 90 000 voice messages a day! Thank you!