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2020 July 18
IT Broadcast
Большая статья в NYT с рассказом о том, как именно был сделан прошлый взлом Твиттера. Все как обычно: социальная инженерия помогла попасть во внутренний Slack работников твиттера. А оттуда в админскую панель, используя пароль из того же слака. Это, кстати, последствия карантина и надомной работы - все работают из дома, так что даже некоторые внутренние интерфейсы теперь доступны без vpn, без двухфакторной аутентификации.
Вообще очень поучительно, обязательно прочитайте

update: Твиттер по сути подтвердил статью в NYT
2020 July 19
IT Broadcast
«Окей, Фигма, нарисуй мне интернет-магазин» — кажется, это будущее гораздо ближе, чем мы думаем.

Вот Джордан Синер взял новый алгоритм GPT-3 и сделал прототип плагина для Figma, который рисует макеты по текстовому описанию.

Просто отвал башки!

#awd_future #awd_figma #awd_techno
2020 July 22
IT Broadcast
Сделка прошла вчера (вт, 21 июля)
2020 July 26
IT Broadcast
Profile Videos, 2 GB File Sharing, Improved People Nearby, and More

Telegram is now among the top 10 most downloaded and most used apps in the world.

Increased limits for sending files
• Share and store unlimited files of any type, now up to 2 GB each.

Profile Videos
• Set a Profile Video instead of a static picture.
• Apply effects and choose a key frame as the cover for your Profile Video.
• Quickly change back to a previous profile photo or video by tapping ‘Set as Main’.

Improved People Nearby
• See how far away your chat partner is when somebody contacts you via the People Nearby screen.
• Get a greeting sticker suggestion when you open a chat from the People Nearby screen.

Mini-thumbnails, Group Stats and More
• See what media is in a message thanks to new mini-thumbnails in the chat list, message search and notifications.
• View detailed statistics for the large groups you own.
• If you're getting too much attention, flip a switch in Privacy & Security settings to automatically archive and mute all new chats from non-contacts.
• Crop and rotate videos in the media editor.
• Listen to your tracks in style with the fully revamped music player.
• Enjoy smooth animations when the size of the input field changes.
• Send a single football ⚽️ emoji to see if you score a goal.

More about this update:
2020 August 05
IT Broadcast
I can understand why the US gov threatens to ban TikTok unless its US assets are sold to US investors. After all, China bans pretty much every non-Chinese social media app on its territory. Why should the rest of the world, including the US, let a Chinese app have a free ride in their markets? If you want to access the markets of other countries, you should also open your market to them – that would be fair.

However, the US move against TikTok is setting a dangerous precedent that may eventually kill the internet as a truly global network (or what is left of it). Before the US-TikTok saga, only autocratic countries like Iran, China or Russia were known for bullying tech companies into selling parts of their businesses to investors with close ties to their governments. It’s not surprising, for example, that Uber had to sell both their Russian and Chinese branches to local players.

I am proud that, unlike Uber, we at Telegram have always declined offers to sell our operations in specific countries. A few years ago we received letters from two funds with ties to countries that later attempted to block Telegram. Both letters expressed the same idea: “Telegram is going to get blocked in our country soon, so your only option is to sell us the local part of your business”. My response to those offers has been along the lines of my 2011 middle finger photo: we are not in the business of betraying our users. We are not selling Telegram – neither in part, nor in full. This will always be our position.

The problem with the US-TikTok case is that it legitimises an extortion tactic previously employed only by authoritarian regimes. For decades, the US has been perceived as the defender of free trade and free speech. But now that China has started to replace them as the main beneficiary of global trade, the US (or at least the Trump administration) seems to have become less enthusiastic about those values. This is regrettable, because billions of people on this planet still like the idea of an open and interconnected world.

Last week, Turkey introduced a bunch of laws limiting social media companies. A few years ago, the US would have had the moral right to criticise such efforts, citing freedom of speech and free trade as ideological foundations for their concerns. Today it’s less clear whether the US still has that right. Authoritarian leaders all over the world are already using the TikTok case as justification in their attempts to carve out a piece of the global internet for themselves. Soon, every big country is likely to use “national security” as a pretext to fracture international tech companies. And ironically, it’s the US companies like Facebook or Google that are likely to lose the most from the fallout.
2020 August 14
IT Broadcast
IT Broadcast
Yes, Video Calls (alpha version)

Telegram turns 7 years old!

Thank you for your support over all these years. Because of you, this year Telegram reached 400 million active users and is now one of the top 10 most downloaded apps in the world.

To celebrate our 7th anniversary together, we are launching the first version of the feature you’ve been asking for – ultra secure and fast Video Calls.

Read more on our blog:
2020 September 30
IT Broadcast
IT Broadcast
Today we are adding native support for comments in channels. So once you update Telegram, you’ll be able to leave comments in some channels, including this one.

Throughout the next 10 days I’ll be posting stuff here to try this feature out.

What I like about our implementation of comments is that they are indistinguishable from a group chat. In fact, all comments in a channel are hosted in a group attached to that channel.

This allows for many possibilities both for commenters (e.g. adding voice messages, stickers, GIFs etc. to comments) and for admins (e.g. limiting voice messages, stickers, GIFs etc. in comments).
IT Broadcast
Another new feature in today’s update is search filters. You can see the search tabs when tapping on the search icon/field from the main screen of Telegram.

The obvious purpose of these tabs is to make finding messages easier.  But you can also use them to view all media from all your chats and channels in one chronological feed. It gives you a quick overview of all your audiovisual content.

What I like about these search tabs is that they look and act exactly as shared media tabs you already know (and love).

However, we don’t want new users to get confused by a level of complexity they don’t need, so you have to have at least 10 chats in your inbox to see the tabs.
2020 October 04
IT Broadcast
Last night Telegram was down for about an hour in Europe due to hardware malfunctioning. Some iOS users who tried to access Telegram during this time may have been logged out and will unfortunately have to relogin.

We have already fixed the iOS app and the update is on the way to the App Store. We are also tweaking our networking software to minimize the risk of such issues in the future.

Telegram has a unique custom-built multi-datacenter infrastructure spread across the globe. This approach allows us to make things very efficient in terms of speed, security and cost, but can also pose some challenges in times of rapid growth. Each week, at least 10 million new users sign up for Telegram, and we are constantly scaling both our software and hardware.

Apologies for the downtime. We know how important it is for you to be able to access your messages 24/7 and we are working hard to achieve 100% uptime.
IT Broadcast
Some users asked whether comments will become the default mode for channels. While we think it’s fun to comment on channels, most channels don’t need commenting, so it will remain optional and disabled by default.

That said, native comments are a great upgrade for channels that had been previously relying on the web comments bot. Native comments are faster, more feature-rich for posting and moderating, and have built-in reply notifications.

Some users rightly pointed out that Telegram native comments look like chats rather than the two-level comments you can find on social networks. That’s exactly the point - Telegram is not a social network, but a messaging app.  

While many people successfully use Telegram to distribute information among millions of users (posts broadcasted by channels generate over 350 billion views monthly), Telegram will remain an easy-to-use minimalist tool, with chats at the center of the user experience.
2020 October 10
IT Broadcast
As I’m turning 36, some people ask how I manage to look younger than my age. I’ve asked the same question of many people who age well (from Jared Leto to a random fitness trainer who looks like 25 at 50). Here’s what all of these young-looking individuals do (and don’t):

1. AVOID alcohol. There may be some rare exceptions, but in general, alcohol (as well as other addictive substances) makes people less healthy and visually older.

2. Sleep a LOT. Sleep is when your body repairs itself. You can’t borrow it: lack of sleep during the week can’t be compensated with oversleeping on the weekend.

3. Do NOT overeat. Excessive weight makes people look older and correlates with dozens of illnesses. Typically I eat twice a day within a 6-hour window or once a day, no snacking. Eating 3+ times a day is just a (bad) habit.

4. EXERCISE. Moderate but regular exercise makes people look healthier and live longer. Personally, I don’t do much cardio (I’d rather walk/cycle/swim in the open air) and prefer moderate weights.

5. LIMIT stress. There are mental habits that help. It helps to believe that everything that happens is for the better. Stoic techniques such as negative visualisation and generally not giving a shit also work. Living close to nature makes all of the above easier.

6. Do NOT eat meat. Eating seafood and wild-caught fish is fine, but farmed red meat is something most people who look younger than their age avoid. I suspect the unhealthy nature of farmed meat has to do with the way livestock is raised and killed (growth hormones, fodder etc).

7. Live ALONE. Surprisingly, all the young-looking, middle-aged men I spoke with lived alone for most of their lives. It may be the result of their independence from the sleeping/eating/behavioral patterns of another person. Or it’s just correlation, and people who are independent from unhealthy societal norms are also independent in their personal lives.

Interestingly, you can find scientific explanations for most of these points (even the last one is defensible, e.g. there are multiple studies showing that sleeping alone improves the quality of sleep). I’ve been following these rules for over 10 years, with "more sleep" being the most difficult due to the nature of my work.

If you are twice as young as I am and looking for the key takeaway, here it is: NEVER DRINK ALCOHOL. Once you give up on alcohol, you’ll stop silencing your intuition, which will tell you what is good and what is bad for you. You will figure out everything you need to know by yourself and won’t depend on other people for advice.
2020 October 30
IT Broadcast
Pinned Messages 2.0, Improved Live Locations, Playlists and More

Multiple Pinned Messages
• Pin several messages in any chat, including one-on-one chats.
• Jump between pinned messages or open them all on a separate page via the top bar.

Improved Live Locations
• Get notified when friends sharing their live location are a certain distance from you.
• See which direction users are facing on the live location map.

Playlists and More
• Send several music tracks as a playlist.
• View detailed statistics about the performance of individual posts in your channels.
• Tap the brush button when viewing a photo to edit it and send it back.
• Enjoy new animations when sending messages or switching songs in the music player.
• Send a 🎰 emoji to any chat to see if you hit the jackpot.
• Send 🧛‍♀️, 🧛, 🧛‍♂️, 🧟‍♀️, 🧟, 🧟‍♂️, ⚰️, 🕸, 🦇, 🕷, 🌜 or 🌛 to try out the new animated emoji.

More about this update:
2020 November 09
IT Broadcast
Смена мобильного номера и удаление аккаунта только с кодом двухфакторной авторизации

Обращение администраторов Telegram-каналов к Павлу Дурову

Двухфакторная авторизация служит для защиты аккаунта и запрашивается при входе в аккаунт, а также передаче каналов и ботов другому аккаунту.

Но не все важные действия защищены. При смене мобильного номера или удаления аккаунта двухфакторная авторизация не требуется. Это создаёт огромный риск при физическом захвате сим-карты или телефона, подмены номера на уровне оператора, задержании администратора, а также изъятии техники.

Администраторы каналов обращаются к Павлу Дурову, с просьбой включить дополнительную защиту.

Список подписавшихся: @d_code,
@Novosty, @tginfo, @nicegramapp, @TG_security, @CatalogTelegram, @MikolaDziadok, @hidemyname_ru, @BelarusTelegram, @seohr, @bel_girls, @telesmmru, @seochat, @zabynet, @wakeup_bel, @movaby, @netpost, @smmtg, @new_vitebsk, @ideas97pro, @rybalou, @belmne, @MarshalC, @radio97ch, @muzskarb, @emigration97pro, @blogmarreti.

Для присоединения к обращению пишите в @tginfochat.
2020 December 04
IT Broadcast
2020 December 08
IT Broadcast
2020 December 23
IT Broadcast
IT Broadcast
По мере того, как Telegram приближается к отметке в 500 миллионов активных пользователей, многие задают вопрос: кто будет платить за этот рост? Ведь чем больше пользователей, тем больше расходов на серверы и трафик. А поддержка проектов нашего масштаба обходится в сотни миллионов долларов в год.

На протяжении большей части истории Telegram я оплачивал счета компании из личных сбережений. Но при текущих темпах роста Telegram находится на пути к миллиардам активных пользователей – и соответствующим расходам.

Когда технологическая компания вырастает до таких размеров, у нее есть только два пути – начать зарабатывать деньги для покрытия затрат – или продаться более крупному игроку.

Отсюда вопрос – как поступим мы? Проясню наши планы в нескольких пунктах.

1. Мы не собираемся продавать компанию, как это сделали основатели WhatsApp. Telegram нужен миру как независимый проект, где уважают права пользователей и обеспечивают высокое качество сервиса. Telegram должен и дальше служить образцом технологической компании, которая стремится к совершенству и целостности. Печальные примеры наших предшественников показывают, что это невозможно в составе крупной корпорации.

2. Telegram просуществует еще долго. Мы начали разрабатывать Telegram более 8 лет назад – первоначально как продукт для своего личного использования. С тех пор мы прошли большой путь. Telegram раздвинул границы возможного в целом ряде аспектов коммуникации – в шифровании, функциональности, простоте, дизайне, скорости. Но это только начало. Мы можем – и должны – принести миру гораздо больше.

3. Чтобы выполнить пункты 1 и 2, со следующего года Telegram начнет монетизироваться. При этом мы останемся верны нашим ценностям и гарантиям, которые дали в прошлом. Благодаря достигнутому масштабу, мы сможем монетизировать Telegram ненавязчиво – большинство пользователей едва ли заметят какие-либо серьезные изменения.

4. Все текущие сервисы Telegram останутся бесплатными. Помимо них, мы предложим дополнительные функции для бизнес-команд и пользователей с расширенными потребностями. Некоторые из этих новых функций будут ресурсоёмкими и, как следствие, станут платными. Обычные пользователи всегда будут пользоваться Telegram бесплатно.

5. Все сервисы Telegram, связанные с обменом сообщениями, останутся свободными от рекламы. Считаем, что реклама в личных и групповых чатах неприемлема. Общение между людьми не должно прерываться на рекламу.

6. Помимо обмена сообщениями, в Telegram есть социально-сетевая составляющая. Массовые публичные каналы Telegram, построенные по принципу вещания “один ко многим”, могут достигать миллионов подписчиков и имеют мало общего с традиционным обменом сообщениями. Во многих странах владельцы таких каналов зарабатывают на показе рекламы своим подписчикам, иногда через сторонние рекламные платформы. Рекламные объявления, которые они публикуют, выглядят как обычные сообщения и нередко навязчивы. В этой связи мы предложим нашу собственную рекламную платформу для каналов, которая обеспечит пользователям комфорт и конфиденциальность, а нам позволит покрывать расходы на серверы и трафик.

7. Монетизация Telegram должна приносить пользу не только нам, но и всему сообществу. Например, если популярные публичные каналы будут монетизироваться через рекламную платформу, владельцы этих каналов получат бесплатный трафик пропорционально их охвату. Или, если – вдобавок к текущим бесплатным стикерам – появятся платные стикеры с расширенными возможностями, художники этих стикеров также получат часть дохода. Мы хотим, чтобы создатели контента и предприниматели в Telegram процветали, обогащая всех наших пользователей за счёт повышения качества сервиса.

Таким мы видим путь Telegram. 

Благодаря нему мы сможем внедрить множество новых функций и приветствовать миллиарды новых пользователей в течение грядущих десятилетий. Этот подход позволит нам оставаться независимыми, сохранить наши ценности, и предложить миру пример технологической компании нового типа.
2020 December 31
IT Broadcast
Тапаем на шапочку.