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2020 December 31
IT Broadcast
Тапаем на шапочку.
2021 January 27
IT Broadcast
IT Broadcast
«По информации от источника близкого к Telegram, обновление вышло по ошибке, оно будет отозвано.»

Я думал Дуров против переноса чатов т.к. это небезопасно.
IT Broadcast
«По информации от источника близкого к Telegram, обновление вышло по ошибке, оно будет отозвано.»

Я думал Дуров против переноса чатов т.к. это небезопасно.
Отозвано до проверки новой версии для Android?
IT Broadcast
Запись с просторов Т.
2021 January 28
IT Broadcast
2021 January 29
IT Broadcast
Some users wanted a way to move their chat history from WhatsApp over to Telegram. Two weeks ago I realized this should be theoretically possible, and yesterday we made this feature available on both iOS and Android, together with many other improvements. It also supports migrating chats from KakaoTalk and Line – two other Pre-Telegram apps.

Nothing like this has ever been made possible by a major app, and our team had to implement some serious magic to make it work. We are happy with the result: moving messages to Telegram allows people to save disk space and stop worrying about third-party backups or changing devices.

The feature currently imports messages to the end of the target Telegram conversation, but retains the original timestamps of messages. Some folks have been asking whether we can mix the existing messages in a Telegram chat with the imported messages in one unified timeline. This should be possible if the target chat (where you import messages to) has fewer than 100 messages, so we’ve started to work on that.

We’ll also provide free APIs for third-party developers who want to create tools that will allow users to import messages to Telegram from anywhere. Hopefully, such tools will help add support for more apps than this first wave of three – and also allow users to import multiple chats or their entire inbox at once.

The original meaning of the paper plane on the Telegram logo means “freedom”. For us, freedom of choice and data portability are paramount. People should be in complete control over their own data – and their own lives.
2021 February 06
IT Broadcast
Вы же были в курсе, что Telegram хранит информацию из секретных чатов на серверах, а не хранит только ключи от секретных чатов?
Анонимный опрос
Не знал
Проголосовало: 117
IT Broadcast
Вы же были в курсе, что Telegram хранит информацию из секретных чатов на серверах, а не хранит только ключи от секретных чатов?
Анонимный опрос
Не знал
Проголосовало: 117
Так мы сможем получить более детальную информацию:
Анонимный опрос
Знал, что хранит
Выбрал «не знал» – считал, что не хранит
Выбрал «не знал» – не знал т.к. не интересовался
Проголосовало: 109
2021 February 23
IT Broadcast
2021 March 19
IT Broadcast
IT Broadcast
With today’s update, we're giving every Telegram user the power to run their own radio station (later this Spring: TV station) without adding any complexity to our apps.

I’m proud we were able to roll out this new version of Telegram just 3 weeks after our previous major update. What’s more, this came at no expense of the quality of new features – you’ll experience the high speed, wide functionality and slick animations that you love Telegram for.

The update has been approved by both Apple and Google for several hours now. Due to Apple’s tech issues, iOS users may have to wait a few more hours for the new version to hit the store. Users of all other platforms can already enjoy Voice Chats 2.0 and other features.
2021 April 26
IT Broadcast
Исследование аудитории Telegram 2021

Друзья, мы начинаем уже традиционное, и на этот раз еще более масштабное исследование аудитории мессенджера. Кто же он — пользователь Telegram 2021 года? Мы подготовили простой, но подробный опрос, по итогам которого расскажем о привычках, предпочтениях, поле, возрасте, интересах и десятках других параметров пользователей Telegram.

Призываем всех пройти пятиминутный опрос, а администраторов поделиться ссылкой в своих каналах.

В 2019 году мы уже проводили подобное исследование, и тогда благодаря вам удалось собрать больше 82 тысяч анкет — ссылкой поделились ~900 каналов, ~4000 чатов, и десяток крупнейших ботов. Получилось очень интересно и красиво, результаты доступны здесь. В 2021 все будет еще интереснее.

Исследованием мы удовлетворим не только научный интерес, но и интерес всего сообщества, выросшего с 2019 года в два раза. Присоединяйтесь!

Ссылка на опрос:
IT Broadcast
Payments 2.0, Scheduled Voice Chats, New Web Versions

Payments 2.0
• Offer real goods and services for sale in any group, channel or bot – Telegram doesn't charge a commission.
• Pay for goods securely using one of the 8 integrated payment providers – Telegram doesn't collect your payment info.
• See how this works in our @TestStore.

Scheduled Voice Chats
• Schedule voice chats to let participants know about them in advance.
• View a countdown to the voice chat and get notified when it starts.

Mini Profiles in Voice Chats
• Browse full-sized profile pictures and expanded bios directly in the list of participants.
• Update your profile pic and bio from the voice chat window.

New Web Versions
• Try two new, fully-featured Telegram Web apps – both supporting animated stickers, dark mode, chat folders and more: and

Improved Media Player
• Pinch media in a chat to zoom in right away, without tapping to open it.
• Fast forward and rewind videos by holding the +/- 15s buttons.
2021 April 28
IT Broadcast
Really excited about the recently launched web versions of Telegram and 🎉

They are light years ahead of what any other social media service has to offer on the web: fast, slick, fluid, light, feature-rich. To make them 100% complete in features, we are currently testing a functional version of web-based video calls internally, which will be added soon.

WebK and WebZ are by far the most cross-platform versions of Telegram we shipped so far - you can instantly access your chats from both mobile and desktop directly from your web browser. No downloads, no installs.

This is particularly good for corporate environments where installing native apps is not always allowed, but also good for users who like the instant nature of web sites.
IT Broadcast
📹 Speaking of video calls, we will be adding a video dimension to our voice chats in May, making Telegram a powerful platform for group video calls. Screen sharing, encryption, noise-cancellation, desktop and tablet support – everything you can expect from a modern video conferencing tool, but with Telegram-level UI, speed and encryption. Stay tuned!