Modeling of buildings procedurally is a problem which becomes much harder when coherence of exteriors and
interiors, as discussed earlier, has to be achieved. Good work on procedural exteriors (without interiors) exists
[5], but it was decided early on that imposing the conditions of the exterior onto interiors would put too many
limitations on the interiors. Because of this, it was decided that the exterior facade should be generated by the room generator itself, in a way generating buildings from the inside - out, this approach made it hard to use previous work at all for the building modeling. The chosen approach has some obvious drawbacks as well as some large benefits.
The main drawback is performance, in order to render the outside of a building the inside has to be generated first. A large benefit however is that this allows interiors to ”make more sense”, adding windows where it’s logical, more like in real buildings. It also alleviates some of the burden already put on interior generation since rooms have to be generated from arbitrary shapes