Biweekly update on @cosmosproject
@cosmosprojectvol. 36, 19th November — 2nd December
Cosmoshub-test-stargate-e, Ethermint public testnet, BigBang testnet to phase-2, CosmWasm’s Musselnet, Cosmos SDK v0.39.2 is out, Proposals 31 and 32 are in the voting period, Akashian Challenge-3, Secret Network partners with Ocean Protocol, Rehearsal for Bluzelle network’s hard fork is ready to commence, and more!
Greetings all Space Cowboys and Astronaut Girls! The past two weeks have brought a number of huge tidings which are the main focus of this report.
First and foremost, Cosmoshub-test-stargate-e launched. The Core team is actively working on the resolution of some bugs detected. Prepare with the validators a smooth upgrade of cosmoshub-3 to cosmoshub-4. Let’s do this!
Ongoing Stargate-5testnet is focused on integration testing on legacy amino for service providers (wallets, explorers & exchanges). New CosmWasm testnet, Musselnet, fleet is running with full Cosmos Stargate support.
On November 26th, ChainSafe announced the launch of the first public Ethermint testnet. The purpose of this initial public testnet is to allow developers to deploy and test existing smart contracts from Ethereum or any new code they would like to write on this exciting new platform. Episode 10 of ‘Ethermint’ is here. Tune on the live recording session with Aidan Hyman and Colin Schwarz at Chainsafe discusses the state of Ethermint and its future plans! Moreover, Tendermint and the Interchain Foundation have been working with the Lunie team to develop Lunie Light, a wallet specifically aimed at supporting the Cosmos Hub and blockchains built on recent versions of the Cosmos SDK.
Proposal 31 ‘ Governance Split Votes’ and Proposal 32 ‘Funding for Development of Governance Split Votes’ are still in the voting period.
As for the Cosmos ecosystem updates, the seventh edition of the Interchain Foundation’s biweekly update is here. With 500,000 Akash Token (AKT) in rewards, and validators and developers joining from around the world, The Akashian Challenge Phase 3: Developer Operations is testing the technical and social cunning through a series of tasks and open-ended challenges that get progressively more difficult. The challenges is live during the week of November 30, 2020 — December 4, 2020 and the week of December 7, 2020 — December 11, 2020. ChildLife Foundation has selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to help expand life-saving operations. The Bluzelle team informed that rehearsal for network hard fork to the production mainnet is ready to commence. All ATOM from Persistence’s Cosmos StakeDrop have been returned. Their second StakeDrop campaign with KAVA is underway and going well. Rainbow Wallet Released v2.9.5 with optimized UIs. A new collaboration between Secret Network and Ocean Protocol that will provide trustless and convenient access control for Ocean datatokens as well as decentralized private compute via Secret Network was announced. The leading DeFi project in the Polkadot ecosystem, Reef Finance, has partnered with Kava. Acala collaborates with Band Protocol to release an open oracle gateway for Polkadot DeFi. Starname partners with Request. Cybers takeoff round comes towards its end. Kadena is launching Technical Grants, a structured model designed to reward blockchain developers for contributing to the world’s fastest layer-1 PoW network. The SENT iOS dVPN will soon launch on the App Store. And much more!
Keep it in mind, the annual Cosmos Interchain Conversations II summit, which is taking place on December 12th-13th, has opened registrations! Check out the speaker lineup and make sure to claim your ticket.
That’s all for today! IBC here we come!