Robonomics token DISTRIBUTION RELEASE "POLKADOT / KUSAMA STAGE DETAILS September 2020" accepted by
Robonomics Developers DAO vote #75 on Aragon.
Very detailed, with actual data after summer community events.
Most interesting from my prospective is:
(1) Robonomics Developers DAO will burn 692,500.00 XRT and move it to the Parachain treasury.
(2) All Circulation details look pretty well! The amount of XRT holders has increased from less than 500 to more than 4,500 holders, ~50% of all pre-XRT tokens are on market now, and for the first time we have distributed XRT among the community this summer.
(3) Community should be ready to join events and get rewards in the next 6 month. For the next two months testnet participants will be rewarded for making documentation, tools and load tests for Robonomics Parachain. After that we expect the Candle auction lockdrop event to provide incentives for voters in parachain slot auction time.
(4) Developers DAO want to be more transparent in a way of private sales. There were no private sales and now we start Big Bag sales program. Big Bag sales is a way for Developers DAO to directly sell part of tokens to public (up to 50k XRT in the next 6 month) with a smart contract agreement for individuals who want to buy XRT from dev team, and make sure their ETH are spent on development, marketing and other project tasks.
You can find more details in presentation. Distribution release is
published on web site in token section.