ну не прям супер смешные, но вот. всё от одного и того же комика
"What's the difference between football and rape? Women don't like football."
"Ninety-nine per cent of women kiss with their eyes closed, which is why it's so difficult to identify a rapist."
"What do nine out of 10 people enjoy? Gang rape."
"I bought a rape alarm because I kept on forgetting when to rape people."
“My girlfriend can be really loud during sex. I don’t know why—she knows no one’s coming to help.”
“I said to my girlfriend, do you want to role play with a rape fantasy? She shouted ‘No!’ and I said, ‘That’s the spirit.’”
“‘Rape’ is such a horrible word, though, it’s such a harsh brutal word. That’s why I prefer to call it a ‘Struggle Snuggle.’ You can't be mad at a struggle snuggler”