А вот ещё наброс моста от Т к Д от Алана Уоллеса — за что купил, как говорится, за то и продаю
«Theravadin Buddhist commentaries identify this radiant mind as the naturally pure “ground of becoming” (Skt. bhavanga), the resting state of the mind that transcends the six modes of consciousness, namely the five physical senses and the ordinary mental consciousness. This dimension of consciousness manifests in dreamless sleep and at death, as well as during the waking state, when the mind momentarily reverts to it between periods of engaging with objects of cognition.30 Under normal circumstances, one generally has no clear recognition of this relative ground state of awareness, but it can be vividly apprehended with the meditative achievement of highly focused, stable attention, or samadhi, in which awareness is withdrawn from all objects, sensory and mental. The ground of becoming described in early Buddhism corresponds to what is called the substrate consciousness (Skt. alaya-vijñana) in the Great Perfection tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.31»