Всем привет. Кому ещё не пришли CFG на внешний кошелёк. Мне тоже не пришли, вчера написал в поддержку коинлист, сейчас пришёл ответ:
"Thank you for contacting CoinList.
We have started distributing wCFG* tokens to the users who selected Option 1 and CFG tokens to the users that selected an external wallet.
The initial date for the Option 1 wCFG and CFG distribution was set as on or around July 14, 2021. In this case, if you haven't received your funds yet, please do not worry since it may take up to 7 days. If you have already provided an external wallet for the Option 1 and 2, please check your wallet.
If you did not make a choice, your CFG tokens will be distributed into your CoinList wallet. Due to delays from our custodian, CFG custody on CoinList will not be live until August and you do not need to take any action if you are to receive your CFG tokens on CoinList."
Так что могут раздавать аж 7 дней.