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5 Career Books for Women That Are Not “Lean In”
Suzanne Skyvara is the Vice President of Communications at Goodreads -- the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations, and an Amazon subsidiary. Since 2007, Goodreads has been helping people find and share books they love.
One way readers share what they are reading is by creating personally curated lists, and in the list below, Suzanne shares 5 Career Books for Women That Are Not “Lean In”.
"Working at Goodreads means I get to indulge not only my love of books, but also my curiosity about new ideas. In particular, I’m always looking for new perspectives for women and careers. “Lean In” tends to be the default recommendation, but there are several other strong books worth exploring. The following five books are all ones that have given me information I’ve either used myself and/or found myself sharing frequently with others."
Вот книги:
Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25310678-playing-big"I have recommended or given this as a gift to so many women and have yet to find someone who didn’t find it helpful. The section on fear, with 15 different ways to tackle it, provides insights that I haven’t seen in any other book. And I find myself frequently telling people about the chapter on “hiding." “Hiding” is where we think we are diligently moving forward but, in reality, are finding ways to stall and procrastinate on a new and scary project. Mohr also talks about how what helped a woman “win” when at school, fails to translate into successful strategies in a career."
How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back from Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36204301-how-women-rise"As one Goodreads reviewer noted, this should almost be called “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: For the Other Half of the Workforce.” Goldsmith wrote the bestseller What Got You Here Won’t Get You There based on his experience coaching (predominantly male) CEOs, but he realized that women face different challenges so he teamed up with women’s leadership expert, Helgesen, to write this insightful book. Their push for women to do a better job of claiming their achievements is a must-read — all too often, women put their heads down, do the work, and believe that this will earn them recognition. It’s one of the major habits that hold women back so read this book to learn how to overcome it. And their chapter on “ruminating” is a very healthy reminder for women about how to move on from mistakes — I really liked how Helgesen and Goldsmith used their own experiences to show how women and men handle failure differently."
The Myth of the Nice Girl: Achieving a Career You Love Without Becoming a Person You Hate
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35721133-the-myth-of-the-nice-girl"Fran Hauser, who has held senior positions at Time Inc, People, and Moviefone, and is now a start-up investor focused on female founders, provides an excellent mix of theory with practical advice in her book. While it is a little lightweight in the beginning, the book includes a lot of valuable advice. I appreciated how Hauser shares her own mistakes to show readers how everyone’s road to success has multiple hard lessons along the way. In her chapter about investing in yourself, she gives some of the most actionable tips I’ve seen on networking and finding a mentor — and everyone should read her section on why asking to pick someone’s brain is the kiss of death!"