Official Biography
Nigina Amonkulova was born on January 30, 1986 in the city of Penjikent in the Leninabad region.
Her childhood passed in Penjikent. Mom is an accountant by profession, and father is a leader. The family has five children. Hurshed’s elder brother, businessman, second brother Khusrav is a singer, graduated from a music college, the third brother of Hayem is a wood carving master, and the younger Hamidjon is still in school.
The singing gift was transferred from the great-grandfather, who had a good voice, sang and played on the folk instrument rubob. Her main teacher is her father. It was he who inspired her with a love of music. He perfectly plays on several musical instruments, sings well.
Until recently, Nigina could not even imagine that her talent could conquer the whole republic. Despite the fact that her parents, and especially her father, are not indifferent to music, Nigina herself all her childhood dreams dreamed of being a doctor. To achieve her goal, she even entered a medical school. But fate decreed otherwise. To abruptly change her future life, Nigine had only one exit on the stage. It was at the final school evening. Here Nigina appeared with a song before her native teachers and classmates. The audience applauded standing up. The words of her song so touched the audience that many could not even hold back their tears. It was then that she was noticed for the first time.
Already a student of a medical school, she participated in all cultural events of the city. Aunt’s father, who worked in the field of culture, recorded her at the city festival «Andaleb». Then she sang the song «Muhabbat-bakhti khandoni» (Love is smiling happiness). Then there was participation in the capital festival «Andaleb». Nigina came to Dushanbe as a part of the Penjikent ensemble and received the main prize. And her song «Ranchida nigoram omad» (Liked came hurt) made her name known not only in her native Penjikent, but also in the capital. From this moment began her stage career …
Nigina moved to Dushanbe and began performing Tajik folk songs and songs in the «retro» style. In a short time the singer became famous throughout Tajikistan, which was promoted by the folk, «non-pop» nature of her songs. The singer usually performs in bright costumes made on the basis of Tajik national costumes, which gives her even more charm to her performances.
She really likes working with Sirojiddin Fozilov. He writes music for her, and picks up the verses together. She also works with Saidkul Bilolov and Sharif Bedakov.