Вот что лодж ответил: the city of München holds that leases of a duration of less than six months are a violation of the Munich- Wohnraumzweckentfremdungssatzung – a local law that regulates how owners are allowed to use their rental units. If an owner would seem to have a lot of leases for less than six months, he might thus be under scrutiny by the city. Thus, landlords are shy to end a six-month-lease prematurely.
For the tax authorities, leases for less than 6 months may be an indication that the owner has a rental business and that VAT/Umsatzsteuer might apply to him. Thus, owners prefer to have no leases for less then six months; else they might risk to have to pay VAT, even backwards.
На мой взгляд, больше параноя. Они же не сдают регурярно квартиры на короткий срок
Дак ну. Это, судя по тексту, если повторяется все время, может иметь какие-то последствия. Но опять же, раз лендлорд сам уже согласился, лоджу-то какая разница🤔