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PCoIP host card connects to the graphics output of the GPU, encodes and encrypts the graphics output into the PCoIP protocol, and then provides remote access in the View environment.
The beauty of the PCoIP host card is that the workstation can be placed in the datacenter, and the graphics user can access the workstation remotely through a VMware View Client, free from the noise and heat of the high-end workstation. The user can access the high-end workstation through a View Client on a zero client (for highest performance) or from a thick or thin View Client, including a mobile device. As in any VMware View deployment, the application data remains secure in the datacenter.
Note that the Teradici PCoIP host card solution is distinct from the Teradici APEX 2800 server offload card. The PCoIP host card is appropriate when using a dedicated physical graphics workstation in a View environment; the APEX card is appropriate in a VMware View virtual desktop environment without dedicated high-end workstations. You install the APEX 2800 card on the ESXi server to automatically and dynamically offload processing for the sixty-four most active desktop displays in the View environment. This protects and ensures a consistent user experience not only for these sixty-four users, but also for the less active users. By recovering server CPU capacity, you can then increase the number of desktops supported by the VMware desktop host and provide a more predictable user experience for everyone.
If you already have a VMware View deployment, you can add highly demanding graphics users to the deployment by installing Teradici PCoIP host cards in their workstations, placing the workstations in the datacenter, and allowing these high-end graphics users to remotely use their workstations through View Clients.