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2020 August 06


Aleksei in HWV ⟼ R&D
0x90 Nop
потом уже пины-иголочки проталкиваются через дурочку к лампкам микрухи с ROM
Там сложно через корпус и металлический экран дотянуться до шаров bga nand


Aleksei in HWV ⟼ R&D
Даже без защиты от сверления


0x90 Nop in HWV ⟼ R&D
я привел пример из жизни и с SPI ROM ясен пень в других реалиях его не применить


0x90 Nop in HWV ⟼ R&D
что лучше нести квадратное и катить круглое можно понять и без службы в рядах отчественной армейки ))


Aleksei in HWV ⟼ R&D
В тех местах, где я видел spi flash, он располагался или под wire mesh, или под клавиатурой с wire mesh Как минимум


Mikhail in HWV ⟼ R&D
#Intel exconfidential Lake Platform ;)

This is the first 20gb release in a series of large Intel leaks.

Most of the things here have NOT been published ANYWHERE before and are classified as confidential, under NDA or Intel Restricted Secret. They were given to me by an Anonymous Source who breached them earlier this Year, more details about this will be published soon.

Some of the contents of this first release:
- Intel ME Bringup guides + (flash) tooling + samples for various platforms
- Kabylake (Purley Platform) BIOS Reference Code and Sample Code + Initialization code (some of it as exported git repos with full history)
- Intel CEFDK (Consumer Electronics Firmware Development Kit (Bootloader stuff)) SOURCES
- Silicon / FSP source code packages for various platforms
- Various Intel Development and Debugging Tools
- Simics Simulation for Rocket Lake S and potentially other platforms
- Various roadmaps and other documents
- Binaries for Camera drivers Intel made for SpaceX
- Schematics, Docs, Tools + Firmware for the unreleased Tiger Lake platform
- (very horrible) Kabylake FDK training videos
- Intel Trace Hub + decoder files for various Intel ME versions
- Elkhart Lake Silicon Reference and Platform Sample Code
- Some Verilog stuff for various Xeon Platforms, unsure what it is exactly.
- Debug BIOS/TXE builds for various Platforms
- Bootguard SDK (encrypted zip)
- Intel Snowridge / Snowfish Process Simulator ADK
- Various schematics
- Intel Marketing Material Templates (InDesign)
- Lots of other things

Make sure to archive/mirror this, as I doubt the original Mega link will survive for long. (Torrent coming soon hopefully)

torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:38f947ceadf06e6d3ffc2b37b807d7ef80b57f21&dn=Intel%20exconfidential%20Lake%20drop%201


Aleksei in HWV ⟼ R&D
В тех местах, где я видел spi flash, он располагался или под wire mesh, или под клавиатурой с wire mesh Как минимум
И в том единственном случае там лежало мало интересного вроде сетевых настроек и серийника устройства


Tr3kzzz in HWV ⟼ R&D
#Intel exconfidential Lake Platform ;)

This is the first 20gb release in a series of large Intel leaks.

Most of the things here have NOT been published ANYWHERE before and are classified as confidential, under NDA or Intel Restricted Secret. They were given to me by an Anonymous Source who breached them earlier this Year, more details about this will be published soon.

Some of the contents of this first release:
- Intel ME Bringup guides + (flash) tooling + samples for various platforms
- Kabylake (Purley Platform) BIOS Reference Code and Sample Code + Initialization code (some of it as exported git repos with full history)
- Intel CEFDK (Consumer Electronics Firmware Development Kit (Bootloader stuff)) SOURCES
- Silicon / FSP source code packages for various platforms
- Various Intel Development and Debugging Tools
- Simics Simulation for Rocket Lake S and potentially other platforms
- Various roadmaps and other documents
- Binaries for Camera drivers Intel made for SpaceX
- Schematics, Docs, Tools + Firmware for the unreleased Tiger Lake platform
- (very horrible) Kabylake FDK training videos
- Intel Trace Hub + decoder files for various Intel ME versions
- Elkhart Lake Silicon Reference and Platform Sample Code
- Some Verilog stuff for various Xeon Platforms, unsure what it is exactly.
- Debug BIOS/TXE builds for various Platforms
- Bootguard SDK (encrypted zip)
- Intel Snowridge / Snowfish Process Simulator ADK
- Various schematics
- Intel Marketing Material Templates (InDesign)
- Lots of other things

Make sure to archive/mirror this, as I doubt the original Mega link will survive for long. (Torrent coming soon hopefully)

torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:38f947ceadf06e6d3ffc2b37b807d7ef80b57f21&dn=Intel%20exconfidential%20Lake%20drop%201
Ух сейчас бекдорчики откроются)


Alexander in HWV ⟼ R&D
#Intel exconfidential Lake Platform ;)

This is the first 20gb release in a series of large Intel leaks.

Most of the things here have NOT been published ANYWHERE before and are classified as confidential, under NDA or Intel Restricted Secret. They were given to me by an Anonymous Source who breached them earlier this Year, more details about this will be published soon.

Some of the contents of this first release:
- Intel ME Bringup guides + (flash) tooling + samples for various platforms
- Kabylake (Purley Platform) BIOS Reference Code and Sample Code + Initialization code (some of it as exported git repos with full history)
- Intel CEFDK (Consumer Electronics Firmware Development Kit (Bootloader stuff)) SOURCES
- Silicon / FSP source code packages for various platforms
- Various Intel Development and Debugging Tools
- Simics Simulation for Rocket Lake S and potentially other platforms
- Various roadmaps and other documents
- Binaries for Camera drivers Intel made for SpaceX
- Schematics, Docs, Tools + Firmware for the unreleased Tiger Lake platform
- (very horrible) Kabylake FDK training videos
- Intel Trace Hub + decoder files for various Intel ME versions
- Elkhart Lake Silicon Reference and Platform Sample Code
- Some Verilog stuff for various Xeon Platforms, unsure what it is exactly.
- Debug BIOS/TXE builds for various Platforms
- Bootguard SDK (encrypted zip)
- Intel Snowridge / Snowfish Process Simulator ADK
- Various schematics
- Intel Marketing Material Templates (InDesign)
- Lots of other things

Make sure to archive/mirror this, as I doubt the original Mega link will survive for long. (Torrent coming soon hopefully)

torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:38f947ceadf06e6d3ffc2b37b807d7ef80b57f21&dn=Intel%20exconfidential%20Lake%20drop%201
Маркетологи подгоняют на переход на новые семейства процов )


Mikhail in HWV ⟼ R&D
Маркетологи подгоняют на переход на новые семейства процов )
Там часть слива про ещё не вышедшие процы)


𝔻𝕠𝕜𝕒 in HWV ⟼ R&D
very horrible 😱


Alexander in HWV ⟼ R&D
Там часть слива про ещё не вышедшие процы)
Ахахаха )
На новые, еще не вышедшие.


Борис in HWV ⟼ R&D
Ахахаха )
На новые, еще не вышедшие.
Да здравствует Эльбрус


Alexander in HWV ⟼ R&D
Да здравствует Эльбрус
* встаёт по стойке смирно, затягивает "Боже, царя храни!"*


0x90 Nop in HWV ⟼ R&D
так мы все быстрее придем к PyCPU 8)))


0x90 Nop in HWV ⟼ R&D
и будем получать кайф от ООП в кремнии )


0x90 Nop in HWV ⟼ R&D
помечталось малость )


Ask Q in HWV ⟼ R&D


0x90 Nop in HWV ⟼ R&D
Шо? Java CPU уже был, кстати в ARM тоже было нечто подобное...
2020 August 07


ge0gr4f in HWV ⟼ R&D