Description: Mastering Linux Network Administration is recommended for those who already understand the basics of using Linux and networking, and would like to put those skills to use in real-world Linux networking scenarios. Whether you intend to run a home office consisting of Linux nodes or roll out a Linux network within your organization, this book is a great fit for those that want to learn how to manage networked systems with the power of Linux.
Description: This book will take you through the latest version of Kali Linux to efficiently deal with various crucial security aspects such as confidentiality, integrity, access control and authentication.
Description: This book is written from the standpoint of using Wireshark and learning how network protocols function and provides a practical apporoach to conducting protocol analysis, troubleshooting network anomalies, and examining security issues
Title: Introduction to Hardware Security and Trust
Author: Mohammad Tehranipoor, Cliff Wang Year: 2012 Pages: 436 ISBN: 978-1-4419-8079-3 Screenshot:
Description: This book provides the foundations for understanding hardware security and trust, which have become major concerns for national security over the past decade. Coverage includes security and trust issues in all types of electronic devices and systems such as ASICs, COTS, FPGAs, microprocessors/DSPs, and embedded systems. This serves as an invaluable reference to the state-of-the-art research that is of critical significance to the security of, and trust in, modern society’s microelectronic-supported infrastructures.
Title: Параллельные алгоритмы для решения задач защиты информации
Author: Бабенко Л. К., Ищукова Е. А., Сидоров И. Д. Year: 2014 Pages: 304 ISBN: 978-5-9912-0439-2 Screenshot:
Description: Кратко представлены основные составляющие современных криптографических систем: симметричные алгоритмы шифрования, асимметричные алгоритмы шифрования, функции хэширования. Основной упор сделан на рассмотрение практической возможности применения существующих способов анализа современных криптосистем с целью оценки их криптографической стойкости.
Description: This book is designed for two types of readers. It's primarily aimed at anyone who has basic programming experience (doesn't matter if it's in the mobile, web, or backend domain) and wants to add more value to their work with security capabilities for building more resilient software. Security practitioners are the second group for whom this book is designed. Using the information contained in this book, they will be able to better understand some of the most critical vulnerabilities that are used, every day, to hack systems around the world.
Description: There are many articles and books that talk about anti-reverse engineering techniques and how to break them. However, the writing is often limited to small code snippets or a screenshot of assembly in IDA. This book seeks to be different by starting with a simple program you’ll update with anti-re techniques as you progress through the book. This gives the reader the oppurtunity to compile and analyze the binary on their own.