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2021 June 14


Arseniy in urbanism_ru


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
Я привык сам решать свои проблемы. И если самокатчик создаёт аварийные ситуации, то я просто его сбиваю когда он поровняется. Причем делаю это так, что на камерах ничего не видно. Потом для вида подойду спрошу всё ли нормально и иду дальше. Претензии невозможно предъявить.


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
Анекдот про чукчу и таксиста.тхт


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
А проблемка то общая


Dmitri Lebedev in urbanism_ru
а чем у них кончилось-то?


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
Though laws differ nationwide, in many cities, riding e-scooters on sidewalks is banned, with Denver being a notable exception before its city council outlawed the devices on sidewalks this week. In some cities, such as Austin and Washington, riding on sidewalks is permitted in some areas but not in others.


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
In October, multiple pedestrians joined a class-action lawsuit in Los Angeles County Superior Court, accusing Lime and Bird, as well as other e-scooter companies, of “gross negligence” and “aiding and abetting assault.”


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
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Though laws differ nationwide, in many cities, riding e-scooters on sidewalks is banned, with Denver being a notable exception before its city council outlawed the devices on sidewalks this week. In some cities, such as Austin and Washington, riding on sidewalks is permitted in some areas but not in others.

Two of the largest e-scooter companies, Lime and Bird, say that safety is a top priority and that they encourage riders to follow local regulations. Lime says the company is investing more than $3 million to “promote safe-riding behavior and proper etiquette.”

Bird says the company provides in-app safety information tailored to local laws. In some cities, the company also employs “Bird Watchers,” whose job it is to ensure the company’s devices are “parked and picked up correctly,” a Bird representative said. “Bird instructs riders to follow all local rules regarding e-scooter riding. We are deeply committed to the safety and well-being of the entire community, and so we make a concerted effort in every city where we operate to provide safety information to our riders that reflects their city’s rules.”

Regardless of local laws, critics say, scooter riders — often lacking access to bike lanes and hoping to avoid speeding cars — frequently take refuge on crowded walkways. The results can be deadly.

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In August, a Spanish teenager riding an electric scooter while reportedly looking at his phone struck a 90-year-old woman out for her daily walk, according to the newspaper El País. The victim died due to severe head injuries several days later, becoming the first pedestrian publicly identified as being killed by an e-scooter. According to El País, prosecutors have said the teenager may face involuntary manslaughter charges.

Efforts to confirm details from the case, such as the defendant’s name, were unsuccessful.

A month earlier, Cody Daniels said, he was walking out of a parking garage in downtown Dallas when he was mowed down by a man traveling “full speed” on a Lime scooter. The rider left the scene.

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The 200-pound 32-year-old was left with scrapes on his knee and face, as well as a deep gash above his right eye that required seven stitches.

He couldn’t pay for a lawyer, and with no way to track down the rider, Daniels said, he paid a $250 urgent-care medical bill himself and tried to “move on.”

Though his physical injuries healed, he said, the accident has made him anxious.

“I’m paranoid now,” said Daniels, who lives and works in an area where packs of e-scooter riders are commonplace. “Every time I turn the corner, I peek out real quick to make sure somebody isn’t coming on a scooter. I’m always looking out for them everywhere I go.”

In October, multiple pedestrians joined a class-action lawsuit in Los Angeles County Superior Court, accusing Lime and Bird, as well as other e-scooter companies, of “gross negligence” and “aiding and abetting assault.”

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Responding to the allegations, Bird said cars “remain the greatest threat to commuters.”

Lime said the company is reviewing the complaint.

How will the lawsuit fare? Legal experts say the patchwork of differing rules suggests that establishing liability in cases involving e-scooters and pedestrian injuries will largely depend on where accidents take place and the circumstances. In the coming years, they say, test cases will give the industry a clearer definition of liability.


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
Tara Williams, 44, was returning to work from lunch in late August when a young man riding an e-scooter ran a red light and slammed into her, throwing her to the ground, she said. Williams said she has racked up about $1,000 in medical bills, and though Bird agreed to cover it, she said, the company’s insurance provider refused. Williams paid the bill herself, noting she had never heard of a $1 million fund for pedestrian injuries.


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
Мне интересно, а у Вуша и прочих Молний есть фонд для покрытия травм пешеходов?


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
Пока ничем, но это же штаты, будет куча регуляцией на уровне муниципалитетов, и куча коллективных исков.


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
But if there’s one city experiencing the greatest friction between e-scooters and pedestrians, it may be San Diego, which has a large population of retirees and e-scooter-using tourists.

Mayor Kevin Faulconer has proposed regulating scooters by restricting their speed to 8 mph in busy pedestrian-traffic zones, and California law bars e-scooters from being operated on sidewalks.

But Jonathan Freeman, the founder of Safe Walkways — a Facebook group started by concerned neighbors that seeks to keep scooters off sidewalks — wants the city to ban e-scooters until companies can ensure they are ridden only on the street.

Freeman said his elderly neighbors, terrified to walk along the city’s waterfront promenades for fear of being struck, find themselves under self-imposed house arrest.


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
Интересно, в Сочах скорость сделали меньше, чем в Диего.

8 мпх это ≈ 13 кмч, а в Сочах только 10, на 2 мпх меньше.


Diamondy and Rusty in urbanism_ru
Мб там акабы быстрее бегают просто.


Валерий Трубин... in urbanism_ru


Генерал Фэйлор... in urbanism_ru

В Москве на станции метро «Арбатская» неизвестный взялся за ручку вагона и проехал на самокате по платформе.Инцидент произошел в воскресенье, 13 июня. Полиция ищет нарушителя.


Artem in urbanism_ru
Федеральное управление гражданской авиации США (FAA) бьет тревогу: из-за увеличивающегося веса пассажиров и багажа, авиакомпаниям придется обновить нормы безопасности полетов.

Каждая американская авиакомпания до 12 июня должна будет предоставить FAA план, в котором обозначит новый допустимый средний вес пассажиров и багажа , а также методы его расчета.

Если вы не знали, то средний вес пассажиров и груза нужен для предварительной центровки самолета — именно поэтому регистрация и заканчивается за 40 минут, потому что необходимо актуализировать вес багажа и в случае надобности изменить центровку ВС.

Теперь, например, новый стандарт среднего веса пассажира компании American Airlines составляет 82,5 кг летом 84,8 кг зимой, что на 3,6 кг больше в сравнении с показателями последних 15 лет, для сравнения в России эти показатели 80 летом и 85 зимой. При этом представители перевозчика заверяют, что новые нормы веса будут использоваться только для центровки самолета и никак не  «ограничат» вес пассажиров.