мне в переписке вчера было, примитивный 200 долларовый заказ:
«Your profile shows $40k worth of work, but approx $37k of that is 1 job, which is never a good sign. Most upworkers that have earned over 90% of their revenues from one job, have limited real experience, or are frauds. i cant take that risk».
Я так при%уел, то есть апворк подтвердил, бабло давно перечислено, налоги уплачены, а тут мне кто-то рассказывает.
Ну, не выдержал. 🙂
«Thanks for the answer. I will not consider you an employer. You are from Saudi Arabia, this is never a good performance. Many Arabs blow up skyscrapers on 11/9. I cannot take that risk».