Ок. Только не могу нигде найти точной информации, по поводу тех минимальных показателей для фирмы. Потому, например, 10.000 евро оборота и 10.000 ерво прибыли - это две большие разницы.
(1) In the procedure for issuing a single permit for employment, the Employment
Service shall grant a consent at the request of the administrative unit provided that the
following conditions are met:
1. there are no suitable unemployed persons in the register of unemployed persons;
2. the employer has been appropriately registered or entered in the Register of
Agricultural Holdings or in the Business Register to pursue the activity in which the
alien concerned is to carry out work;
3. the employer is not in a winding-up or bankruptcy procedure;
4. the employer is actively pursuing its business operations, which shall mean that:
– the employer had at least one person in full-time employment and registered in the
compulsory social insurance schemes for at least six months prior to submitting the
application; or
– the employer was registered in the compulsory social insurance schemes as an
individual registered to pursue an activity or entered in the Register of Agricultural
Holdings for at least six months before submitting the application; or
– receipts from business operations amounting to at least EUR 10,000 were recorded in
the employer’s transaction account in the Republic of Slovenia in each month during the
six-month period before the application was submitted;