Всем привет! Пытаемся опубликовать приложение в app store, пришел режект с таким комментарием. Подскажите, что они хотят и как это сделать? В одном из vc грузится веб-страница (интернет магазин, мобильная версия). В самом магазине нет регистрации и закрытой части, доступной после регистрации или авторизации.
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We have started your app's review, but we were unable to successfully access all or part of your app.
In order for us to continue the review, we need to have a way to verify all app features and functionality. Typically this is done by providing a demo account that has access to all features and functionality in your app. It is also acceptable to include a demonstration mode that exhibits your app’s full features and functionality. Note that providing a demo video showing your app in use is not enough for us to continue the review.
Next Steps
To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide a user name and password in the App Review Information section of App Store Connect. Please be sure that the demo account includes content that demonstrates the features and functionality available in your app.
To provide demo account information:
- Log in to App Store Connect
- Click "My Apps"
- Select your app
- Click on the app version on the left side of the screen
- Scroll down to "App Review Information"
- Select the "Sign-in required" box
- Enter demo credentials in the "User name" and "Password" fields
- Once you've completed all changes, click the "Save" button at the top of the Version Information page
Guideline 4.1 - Design - Copycats
Your app or its metadata appears to contain potentially misleading content. Specifically, your app includes content that resembles Vintage Fairy without the necessary authorization.
Next Steps
Please demonstrate your relationship with any third-party brand owners represented in your app.