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Storage Discussions

2020 November 18


Alexander in Storage Discussions
все ясно))


Der Totenkopf in Storage Discussions
Это ещё ты рассказывал на инсайте 2019, а я дурные вопросы задавал)


Eugene Elizarov in Storage Discussions


Eugene Elizarov in Storage Discussions
Рома же по-моему и рассказывал 🙂


Roman Roifman in Storage Discussions
Der Totenkopf
Это ещё ты рассказывал на инсайте 2019, а я дурные вопросы задавал)
долгая и скучная сессия была :)


Roman Roifman in Storage Discussions
Оригинальный автор Скотт Бэлл. У него на эту тему еще документы есть.


Vladimir Babarin in Storage Discussions
Это хорошо. Если бы предположение про охлаждение было бы верным, заказчик заставил бы на имеющихся трех A200/A220 переставлять :)


Evgeniy in Storage Discussions
дисков допродать до полной)


Vladimir Babarin in Storage Discussions
Заказчик скажет: "Зачем мне диски в NetApp, если у меня есть Synology?" :)


Алексей Головатюк... in Storage Discussions
Vladimir Babarin
Заказчик скажет: "Зачем мне диски в NetApp, если у меня есть Synology?" :)
* тяжело дышит *


Vladimir Babarin in Storage Discussions
Алексей Головатюк
* тяжело дышит *


Avik in Storage Discussions
Алексей Головатюк
* тяжело дышит *
А у кого то еще ева 4400 в проде работает!


Eugene Elizarov in Storage Discussions
Алексей Головатюк
* тяжело дышит *


Алексей Головатюк... in Storage Discussions
Eugene Elizarov


Alexey Glotkin in Storage Discussions
Добрый день, прошу сильно не пинать. Требуется грамотный инженер в Челябинске. Разовая работа - подключение пары новых серверов в стойку, зонинг, проверка. Подробнее в ЛС.


Mr Orange in Storage Discussions
Alexey Glotkin
Добрый день, прошу сильно не пинать. Требуется грамотный инженер в Челябинске. Разовая работа - подключение пары новых серверов в стойку, зонинг, проверка. Подробнее в ЛС.
О блин


nikolay a in Storage Discussions
Эх, Челябинск.. малая Родина


ID:0 in Storage Discussions
​​Опять NUG 🤩

В этом эпизоде подходим к завершающей стадии миницикла про новые фишки ONTAP 9.8. На конец сезона, который состоится в середине декабря, мы оставим истории про объектное хранение и практическую сессию по развертыванию и использованию платформы ONTAP AI, а пока меню на ближайшую пятницу:

•  FlexGroup
•  File Analytics
•  SAN&NAS новинки

Когда: 20 Ноября в 16:00 (NUGs02e05.ics)


ID:0 in Storage Discussions
NetApp HCI подружился с Rancher.
NetApp Becomes First to Join Rancher OEM and Embedded Alliances Program.
Now you can deploy Rancher with push-button ease from NetApp HCI’s management plane, the NetApp Hybrid Cloud Control manageability suite.  
We integrated Rancher directly into the NetApp HCI UI for a seamless experience.


ID:0 in Storage Discussions
Большая пачка новых и обновивишихся TR-ок.

TR-4870. Deploying MSSQL Database Workloads on NetApp HCITR-4870. Deploying MSSQL Database Workloads on NetApp HCI
This report describes why NetApp®HCI is the best solution for hosting Microsoft SQL Server database workload for NetApp sales representatives, sales engineers, interested NetApp partners, and customers.


TR-4871. Commvault Complete Backup and Recovery and NetApp StorageGRIDTR-4871. Commvault Complete Backup and Recovery and NetApp StorageGRID
This report describesthe data protection solution provided jointly by Commvault and NetApp using Commvault Complete Backup and Recovery for NetApp and NetApp® StorageGRID®. The report describes an example baseline configuration as well as performance and sizing guidelines.

TR-4869. NetApp StorageGRID with Splunk SmartStoreTR-4869. NetApp StorageGRID with Splunk SmartStore
NetApp® enables a simple and scalable solution for Splunk SmartStore that maximizes performance and resiliency while delivering a compelling total cost of ownership.


TR-4764. Best Practices Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with NetApp EF-SeriesTR-4764. Best Practices Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with NetApp EF-Series
This best practices guide is intended to help storage administrators and database administrators successfully deploy Microsoft SQL Server on NetApp® EF-Series storage.

TR-4800. Introduction to NetApp EF600 Array. Feature Overview with SANtricityTR-4800. Introduction to NetApp EF600 Array. Feature Overview with SANtricity
The NetApp®EF600 NVMe all-flash array delivers optimal performance without compromising on the reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) features that deliver up to 99.9999% availability. This document provides detailed information about the hardware and software features of the EF600 all-flash array as well as new SANtricity features. The latest release of SANtricity includes the addition of 512e, which allows for general support of the iSCSI host interface ands upport for VMware for FC and iSCSI hosts for NVMe-based platforms. The embedded, browser-based NetApp SANtricity® System Manager provides enhanced security for array management, and NetApp SANtricity Unified Manager simplifies managing multiple systems.


TR-4614. SAP HANA Backup and Recovery with SnapCenterTR-4614. SAP HANA Backup and Recovery with SnapCenter
This document covers best practices for SAP HANA data protection with SnapCenter®. We cover SnapCenter concepts, configuration recommendations, and operation workflows, including configuration, backup operations, and restore and recovery operations.


TR-4868. NetApp Cloud Insights for FlexPodTR-4868. NetApp Cloud Insights for FlexPod
NetApp® Cloud Insights is a monitoring tool that provides complete visibility into applications and the infrastructure that hosts them. With Cloud Insights, it is possible to monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize all resources in both public cloud environments and private cloud environments such as those hosted on FlexPod®. This document describes the configuration of Cloud Insights, its integration with the NetApp ONTAP® storage system deployed in a FlexPod Datacenter solution and demonstrates several features of the product.

TR-4798. NetApp AI Control Plane. Pairing Popular Open-Source Tools with NetApp to Enable AI, ML, and DL Data and Experiment ManagementTR-4798. NetApp AI Control Plane. Pairing Popular Open-Source Tools with NetApp to Enable AI, ML, and DL Data and Experiment Management
As organizations increase their use of artificial intelligence (AI), they face many challenges, including workload scalability and data availability. This document demonstrates how to address these challenges through the use of NetApp® AI Control Plane, a solution that pairs NetApp data management capabilities with popular open-source tools and frameworks that are used by data scientists and data engineers. In this document, we show you how to rapidly clone a data namespace just as you would a git repo. We demonstrate how to define and implement AI training workflows that incorporate the near-instant creation of data and model baselines for traceability and versioning. We also show how to seamlessly replicate data across sites and regions and swiftly provision Jupyter Notebook workspaces with access to massive datasets.