On March 27, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $15 million in new funding to deploy energy technology on tribal lands. This funding through the DOE Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs will support Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations. Should tribes so choose to unleash their vast undeveloped energy resources, this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) would help support those communities.
The intended results of the 50% cost shared projects selected under this FOA are to stabilize or reduce energy costs and increase energy security and resiliency for Indian Tribes and tribal members.
DOE is soliciting applications to install energy technology on tribal lands. Specifically, the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs is soliciting applications to:
Install energy generating systems and energy efficiency measures for tribal buildings;
Deploy community-scale energy generating systems or energy storage on tribal lands;
Install integrated energy systems for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single facility or multiple essential tribal facilities during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience; or
Deploy energy infrastructure or integrated energy systems to electrify tribal buildings.
Applications may also be submitted on behalf of an Indian Tribe(s) by an authorized Tribal Organization, provided evidence of that authority is included as part of the application.
See the FOA for all eligibility requirements. The application deadline has been extended to July 30, 2020.