Startup Community Drinkup #3 📆 Thursday, March 19, from 7:30 to 10:30 pm
🏢 Secret Place — We do moderation. You must be approved to get in.
EN — Despite massive hysteria around COVID-19, we are back and hosting our third
community drinkup anyway. This time we decide to keep the location under secret, so you must be approved to get it by mail. However, the date and time will stay the same for both cities. Let's meet up, get some drinks, and talk about the product, marketing, or fundraising strategy on different markets. Our friends from one of the local bars will keep your glasses full. There is a diverse variety of food and beverage. Cheers, and see you tomorrow.
RU — Несмотря на массовую истерию мы повторяем наш двойной дринкап от
стартап комьюнити в Москве и Петербурге. Формат всё тот же — встречаемся, общаемся, делимся успехами. Место объявим в день мероприятия всем, кто пройдёт модерацию (мы против продаж на дринкапах, поэтому будьте аккуратны).
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