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📌 Вопросы и ответы:
5. What is the total supply of GRT tokens?
Ответ: 10 000 000 000
6. What is The Graph?
Ответ: An indexing protocol for orgainizing blockchain data.
7. What are subgraphs?
Ответ: Open APIS that anyone can query
8. What’s the query language used for Subgraphs?
Ответ: GraphQL
9. What do Curators do?
Ответ: Signal on quality subgraphs by depositing GRT (The Graphs native token) in return for curation shares.
10. What are Indexers?
Ответ: Node operators that index data and serve queries.
11. Why do indexers have to stake GRT?
Ответ: For economic security so if they misbehave they can be slashed (lose their GRT).
12. By delegating GRT to Indexers what can you do?
Ответ: Help secure the network