/subs - list of subscriptions
/join channel_name_or_link - join the channel
/leave channel_name - leave the channel
/leaveall - leave all channels
/forwards - list of forwards
/list - list of forwards (deprecated, use /forwards instead)
/new - create a new forward
/channel - manually create a new forward (deprecated, use /new instead)
/disable channel_name - temporarily disable subscription to a channel
/disableall - disable all subscriptions
/enable channel_name - enable subscription back
/enableall - enable all subscriptions
/setting - settings
/settingchannel - custom settings of a channel
/account - your account information
/pricing - types of accounts
/powerup - buy a Standard account
/poweruppro - top up pro-wallet (to buy Direct Connection or extra packages)
/grouping - group channels to several feeds
/filter - filter ads
/filterall - filter ads (all channels)
/replace - replace a certain text in messages
/helpcommands - additional textual commands
/language - change UI language
/ping - find all my service chats
/restrict - accept commands from group administrators only
/status - system status
Any questions? Read
FAQ. Also you can ask your question in the
support chat.