Methods for implementation of Pseudo-Random Number Generator based on GOST R 34.12-2015 in hybrid CPU/GPU/FPGA high-performance systems (Conference Paper)
Skitev, A.A., Rovnyagin, M.M., Martynova, E.N., Zvyagina, M.I., Shelopugin, K.D., Chernova, A.A.
Department of Computer Systems and Technologies, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russian Federation
The architecture of high-performance data storage and processing systems has changed considerably. Modern cloud computing systems are often not just a hybrid but also supports hardware acceleration. The paper describes the scope of information security protocols based on PRNG in industrial systems. The work provides a method for implementing GOST R 34.12-2015 Based Pseudo-Random Number Generator in hybrid systems. The description and results of studies parallel CUDA and FPGA versions of the algorithm for use in hybrid data centers are presented.