Друзья, никто не в курсе когда ожидаются разлоки у Мины?
Как я вижу на сайте
Becoming a Genesis Founding Member is the highest honor in the Mina community. Genesis members are rewarded and given a responsibility via personal MINA token grants. Each Genesis member gets 66,000 MINA tokens delivered to them at launch. These grants unlock over 4 years, with an initial cliff 1 year after Genesis Block. These grants are required to be staked, otherwise they are forfeited. In total, 4.3% of the Initial Distribution is allocated to 663 Genesis Members selected throughout Mina’s numerous testnets.
И у большинства разлок в течении 4х лет с годовым клифом
О, и вот еще про бейкеров:
The total share of MINA tokens allocated to backers is 20.52% of the Initial Distribution. These tokens unlock over 18 months from launch, with no single Backer having unlocked their entire allocation at launch. In addition, all tokens allocated to Backers are fully locked until 40 days after the Community Sale, such that Backer tokens only receive the first tranche of their unlocked tokens once Community Sale tokens start unlocking.