Кому интересно по
Acala.networkВ офф чате появилась некоторая инфа, но не знаю насколько правдивая.
1.”When is the sale?”
Sale is over,you will have an opportunity to buy coin later on auction,will be announced soon!
2.”My transaction is still pending,will it be alright?”
Yes,it will be alright,give it some time!
3.”Can I change dot address?”
You will be able to change address later on.
4.”I have no purchase button,what I need to do?”
Just wait,acala team will be processing all transactions next two weeks,probably your Bitcoin transaction is still in mempool
5.”When acala coin will be available for trading?”
When mainnet will be launch. There was no announcements yet,but admin in this group guessed august,september. I read somewhere recently that it should be in summer,but no official info yet
6.”When karura(10 aca= 1 kra) coin will be available for training?
When karura network will be launched.Hopefully till summer.
7.”My bitcoin transaction is complete, but I didn’t have any verification email,or can’t see payment from my account,is it ok?”
Yes it is.
A few people reported their transaction is confirmed, but have yet been issued receipt on the event platform > profile > past transactions
We have now collected enough information to resolve this issue. Once it's resolved, it's likely that a receipt will be automatically generated on the event platform and you will be notified via email. But if you are unsure, you can reach out to us. This is a high priority issue for us, every single payment will be reconciled, and will report back asap.
During the last 24 hours, more transactions are mined and confirmed, and more on the way. Appreciate your patience.