Show Solidarity with Russian Anarchists on May Day!
Dear comrades all over the world! We appreciate your support and solidarity and are very proud of it. Spreading the information, collecting money for legal expenses and, most important of all, the solidarity and protest demonstrations that united hundreds of people in dozens of cities around the world on March 18 as well as on other days — all this is extremely important and helpful in our collective fight against state oppression.
However, the situation remains critical. Russian special services’ atrocities are not subsiding. Despite direct evidence, state authorities are still denying the fact that our comrades accused of “terrorism” are being tortured. State media are broadcasting false reports on the case. And finally, there is now a new accused in the case: our comrade, Yulian Boyarshinov. All the comrades are still in prison under false accusations. And this means our collective campaign of solidarity needs to get on and get stronger.
The May Day is approaching, the global day of resistance for revolutionary and progressive forces. We call all of you: libertarian, revolutionary and progessive groups and communities to be with us on this day. At your May Day demonstrations, protests and events, raise your voice about the struggle and the repressions in Russia: on your banners, in your speeches, in your discussions, with any means you have.
More than 100 years ago our fellows in Chicago paid the highest price in the fight for justice. Today, anarchists are still being persecuted for their beliefs and their fight by the same forces as in the past. We believe that together we can make our voice heard by many people and force the Russian state to stop this orgy of tyranny and sadism.
The FSB is the terrorist!
Your tortures will not kill our ideas!
Freedom to Russian anarchists and antifascists!
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