Просто опупенные новости, миграция багзиллы от сервисов microfocus намечена на май
Moving bugzilla.opensuse.org/bugzilla.suse.com is in the works,
with the migration away from Micro Focus planned for May.
That one is more tricky since Micro Focus (Novell,...), SUSE, and
openSUSE all share one database instance and part of the carve out
is to separate out openSUSE and SUSE issues from all others with
surgical precision.bugzilla.opensuse.org/bugzilla.suse.com is in the works,
with the migration away from Micro Focus planned for May.
That one is more tricky since Micro Focus (Novell,...), SUSE, and
openSUSE all share one database instance and part of the carve out
is to separate out openSUSE and SUSE issues from all others with
surgical precision.