#кандидат #senior_java_developer #киев #одесса
Есть опытный Senior Java Developer на проект в Киев или Одессу. Скидываю его ожидания от работы.
1. Tech Stack: basically backend JEE, backend development (keywords Java, REST, JSON, SOAP, Tomcat,Weblogic, GIT, SQL, MySQL,Oracle,JBOSS EAP,Amazon S3,TDD, Junit)
But I'm open to learn new technolgies like Docker, cloud, NoSQL,etc...
3) Product or Outsource company
My preference will be product company but we might talk if there is a good outsource project.
4) Kind of project
Telecommunications, finance, banking are domains that I have experience. For others, enterprise level and well structured projects will be my preference.
5) Salary expectations:
Now I am getting 4000$ net. So I'm expecting a significant increase
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