Hi. Recently i was destroying my deployment resources on AWS via python-terraform wrapper. But, i intentionally interrupted it in half path . After it, when i again wanted to destroy my deployment - terraform said me, that i have “locked process with some uuid”. I tried to kill that proccess with force-unlock command, but it didn’t help. Moreover, now i have very strange situation… When i want to activate commands like : destroy, plan, apply terraform don’t write me any info in console (console don’t show any signs, that terraform are running - empty line, which lasts forever).
I tried to delete terraform, all state files, lock files, backup files, providers - but it does help nothing. Also, tried to create another project (i had a believe, that new project - would give terraform a new life), but it doesn’t help.
Commands like terraform init, validate, refresh, providers … work well
All this situations reprodeuce in the same way with simple cli, which also doesn’t want to react on specified commands before.
how can i force delete/dawloand or refresh again terraform, to get terraform “OOTB” ? or, may be some ideas, how can i detect the problem, which made me stuck ?
os: linux
terrafrom: v0.14.9
python-terraform: 0.10.1
python: 3.7
terraform-provider-aws_v3.35.0_x5 / linux amd64