Вакансия: Всем привет. Я Павел из Минска. Уже несколько лет пишу на Elixir и занимаюсь стартапами. Вот собственно один из стартапов удался и мы с ребятами сейчас ищем опытного программиста. Не сочтите за спам, но HR агенствам я не доверяю 🙂
Compass Beauty is a California based startup that specializes in skin care. Our main goal is to make skin care predictable by the means of science, accurate measurements with medical devices and machine learning. Our distributed team is rather small but consist of skilled professionals with decades of experience in chemistry, bio technology, machine learning and programming.
We are looking for an experienced Elixir/Phoenix developer to join our small team and help build out, operate, and maintain the Compass Beauty web platform. This is a full-time remote position. The ideal candidate is an experienced developer, prepared to own all elements of implementation, delivery, and maintenance, including front-end (optional) and back-end development, and potentially dev-ops.
As part of a team you will be building data ingestion pipelines, parsing and scrapping tools, various web apps and what not. We will find a good use to your skills and push you the limits.You should expect priorities to change quickly and be ready to shift your work efforts between different tasks.
The ideal candidate should already have experience working in a production setting with most components of our dev and ops stacks:
• Phoenix / Elixir / Erlang
• PostgreSQL
• HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript (React)
• Elixir libraries: Flow / Broadway
• Docker
• Heroku / Google cloud
• Git / GitHub Actions
Spoken English is a must-have.
Please send your resume to pavel@compassbeauty.com or you may reach me directly in Telegram