Hello. Tell me, please, what is the unique feature of your project?
Hello Carl, playMarket 2.0 is a decentralized Android App Store that accepts payments in crypto currency and is combined with an ICO platform for developers.
Hello. Our project is supported by сryptoinvestor Chandler Guo, leader of the Cyber Russia project Roman Povolockiy, founder of BitBaza, co-owner of the AK47pool pool Artyom Zverev
Hi. Newbie. Have read whitepaper. I note 3 million coins and that represents 50% of all coins... What is the approximate funds looking to collect from that - I understand there appears to be some differing pricing in the ICO offer - an approximate $?
Table in whitepaper a little confusing but seems to indicate if purchasing less than 10 ETH in stage one there is no general discount, but price is 0.12 ETH for each 1 PMT token??
Hi. Newbie. Have read whitepaper. I note 3 million coins and that represents 50% of all coins... What is the approximate funds looking to collect from that - I understand there appears to be some differing pricing in the ICO offer - an approximate $?
Hi. Our mistake. We uploaded wrong information. Thanks a lot! For your attention we will receive reward for that! dm me your ETH wallet please.