Давайте так: я вижу что многие идиоты начали постить радостные новости от ВОЗ, что животные могут заразиться COVID-19 и отсюда сделали абсолютно нелогичный вывод, что животные являются переносчиками болезни и начали строчить твиты про массовые захоронения чернобыльских собак.
Спешу всех расстроить:
https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/06/health/tiger-cat-coronavirus-wellness/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/06/health/tiger-cat-coronavirus-wellness/index.html
There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that companion animals play any role in the epidemiology of this disease," said Trevor Drew, director of the Australian Animal Health Laboratory. Drew and his colleagues at the AAHL are testing vaccines in ferrets in pre-clinical trials to assess safety and efficacy of new treatments. Ferrets are used in the trial because they are particularly susceptible to infection by the coronavirus. However, even ferret owners are unlikely to get the disease from their furry friends.
"The bottom line is that there is no evidence that any cat, large or small, can transmit the virus back to humans," said veterinarian Dr. Sarah Caddy, a clinical research fellow at the University of Cambridge.
testing vaccines in ferrets in pre-clinical trials to assess safety and efficacy of new treatments. Ferrets are used in the trial because they are particularly susceptible to infection by the coronavirus. However, even ferret owners are unlikely to get the disease from their furry friends.
"The bottom line is that there is no evidence that any cat, large or small, can transmit the virus back to humans," said veterinarian Dr. Sarah Caddy, a clinical research fellow at the University of Cambridge.
Эпидемия - это не предлог для вашего живодерства. Пожалуйста, хватит шерить фейкньюс.