Objects 3.0 & MSP 2.0 !! What's new: This release includes the following new features: • Introduced ESXi Support for Object Store ◦ You can now deploy Object Stores on ESXi clusters. (ESXi version 6.5 or above) • Introduced Objects Streaming Replication Feature ◦ You can now replicate objects in a source bucket to a destination bucket with seconds of RPO (Recovery Point Objective) deployed in a different Object Store instance. • Added support for Object Lock API Operations ◦ You can now apply object lock policies on individual objects within a bucket using the S3 supported APIs. • Veeam Object Immutability Certification ◦ Objects 3.0 is in the process of getting certified by Veeam for Object Immutability - this will enable customers to protect their Veeam based backup environments from ransomware attacks. • Added support for 350TB deep storage nodes
в 2021 Нутаникс конечно будет рвать всех вообще жестко 😉
Да, круто, конечно. Осталось купить, например, Аристу, и можно продвигать решение в духе: "Nutanix = вся ИТ-инфраструктура от и до" (только включить в розетку😉).