Just switched to new proxy server, now it will be much more fast and stable. Moreover, new version supports Fake TLS technology which can prevent block using DPI - it's especially important for users from
Russia and Iran. Connect, save and share with your friends.
If you are satisfied with the speed and stability of this MTPROTO proxy,
please donate me in any way convenient for you. I'm just ordinary student from Russia, and servers aren't free unfortunatelly.
Mastercard RUB: 5321 3046 9632 7003
Mastercard USD: 5321 3040 6416 7338
BTC: 1EsrjCDNwozBxqi1MN8E1QNnMsk63cGMZF
It's highly recommended to use new proxy - if you are using updated app (september 2019 or newer), it should work. If you are using outdated app, switch to old proxy.
I'm also introducing first PROXY CHATYou can always find working MTPROTO and Socks5 proxy here. If you've found a working proxy somewhere, please share it in this chat. Add your friends to this chat, share it in your channel and social media — for the freedom of speech and the Internet: