Кстати прикол в том, что полстраны думает, что он за "клевету" и сидит. Я тут с родственниками разговаривал, рассказывал им почему дело Ив Роше сфабриковано, а они такие: "Какое Ив Роше? Он же за оскорбление ветерана сидит."
I read the web and think the Kremlin or authority scares about "A bunch of non-people who lure our children to homosexuality and other obscenities have appeared in our quiet northern city". I understand that the Kremlin means "Navalny team attracts children to homosexuals and others differently" In fact, the Kremlin and authority are BULLSHIT and only try to intimidate parents of children attracted to homosexuals. In fact, the Navalny team has nothing to do with homosexuals but the Navalny team is so gay friendly and does NEVER teach children to be gay. Almost all Navalny employees have couples guy and girl / few girl and girl or guy and guy. Navalny team and the United Russian Party are equally accurate percentages of heterosexuals, bisexuals or homosexuals https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/4/is-putin-switching-from-pinpointed-purges-to-a-mass-crackdown