- Premium version
- Murglar account system
- Premium/subscription purchase via the Yandex.Money. To avoid misunderstandings and disagreements - save screenshots of receipts when paying, so that in case of problems we can easily fix it
- Premium/subscription activation via the codes (where to get the codes will be known later)
- Support for tracks by subscription in VK (such tracks in the track list are marked with an asterisk). A subscription must be activated in the Murglar profile. The feature allows you to listen/download tracks that are available only by subscription/limited to a specific region. Tracks will be downloaded only if they are publicly available (open walls/groups/your own audio/etc)
- The choice between a system and a built-in equalizer (Settings - General - Use system equalizer)
- New themes
- Integration with Vkontakte has been restored after changes on the Vkontakte's side
- The search icon in the toolbar is no longer displayed where it is not necessary
- If the song cover or text retrieving failed when creating the tags, the tags will still be created
- Korean characters are no longer filtered from names
- Small fixes and library updates
- User agreement updated
- Localization updates