Ну ладно )) но ты все же почитай что еще можно списать, мне так сложно придумать). Плюс там дается паушаль за переезд
we have really good news for you. Today we decided to reimburse up to 5'000 EUR of relocation cost if you move to Munich-Haar from outside of Germany. In order to reimburse the costs, you have to collect the invoices (that also include the description of the cost category) and hand them over to our accounting department. They will check them and reimburse them directly on your bank account.
The following relocation cost categories will be reimbursed with a maximum of 5'000 EUR:
1. Packing and unpacking, transport of household goods up to 100 cubic meters. If the wife also has to move, up to 130 cubic meters.
2. Transfer costs of passenger cars.
3. Travel expenses for the relocation journey. The travel expenses for the wife and children are also covered if they also have to move and travel together with the new employee.
4. Housing agent costs for an apartment.
5. Relocation lump sum of 800 Euro which does not have to be proven with invoices.